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When this site went live (August 2006) the problem we faced was how were we going to fill up those huge screens people were starting to buy. They just kept getting bigger and bigger with better and better resolution.

How that's all changed in the last couple of years!

The challenge now is to accommodate big screens and ... tiny ones. The internet gurus told us we could send different pages etc to different "devices" depending on what the devices told us they were. The problem with this is that they don't all obey the rules.

Welcome to MiniLPs.Net
Inside stand up from Jethro Tull's Stand Up album

Welcome to the definitive English language resource for all things related to Mini LP Replica CDs.

The crème de la crème of mini paper sleeve LP replicas, and by far the largest selection in this site is the Japanese Mini LP CD.

Since mid 2007, our small team of dedicated enthusiast volunteers have uploaded near complete scans of more than 3,500 cardboard sleeve releases including over 400 official Japanese boxes and box sets. We have identified at least 13,000 Japanese Mini LP releases which we've recorded in our database and plan to build on this as new and old releases come to light.

Be sure to read our section on watching out for fakes. If you want to avoid fakes you can do no better than buy from one our known and trusted eBay sellers using our custom search.

What is a mini LP?

A mini LP is a CD version of something that was originally released as a 12" (12 inch) vinyl LP.

In many cases the packaging is superior to, or at least more elaborate than the majority of vinyl releases. The reason being that many follow-up vinyl releases were inferior to the first vinyl release (or at least lacked some of the extras found in the first release - such as postcards, posters, lyric sheets etc).

They are often referred to as "cardboard sleeves" and "paper sleeves" being made exclusively from paper or cardboard (other than the CD of course).  Other names and abbreviations include: "jpn lp sleeve cd" and "kami-jacket". (The last of these I guess is an indication that they are held in high esteem by many who collect them.)

What is a promo box?

The term "promo box" is used generically to describe custom made boxes that are used to store Japanese mini LPs.

Disk Union

The majority of these boxes are created by a Japanese company "Disk Union" and they are truly promotional. They are "given away" as an incentive to people who purchase the entire set of a particular release. Each release is usually for one artist and also is usually on or around a specific date.

For example, Toshiba may release 10 mini LPs for a single artist over a period of a month or so (if not all on the same day). Disk Union purchase a set number of these and hold them in stock until the last is released. Meanwhile Disk Union create a special box using artwork usually based on, or directly derived from, one of the artist's releases.

Mini LP Fakes and Forgeries
Led Zeppelin III discs side by side

The best way to spot a fake is to have an original and a fake side by side and compare them ... but of course we don't usually have this luxury and it's often too late before we realise.

The safest way to avoid buying a fake is to know what to look for.

The easiest way to avoid buying a fake (new and out of print) is to buy from one the numerous verfied sellers on eBay. Our "Fake-free eBay shop" lists only releases from the major sellers that our community has checked out and confirmed as being legitimate releases. They are located in Japan, North America (USA and Canada), Western Europe (UK and Germany), Australia, China and Korea. Many of them stock current releases and ship locally for cheaper than Japanese rates.

Some recent significant fakes are the following boxes:

  1. Led Zeppelin 40th Anniversary Box
  2. Pink Floyd Oh By The Way Box
  3. Beatles in Mono
What is an obi strip?

Obi has a couple of meanings.

On this site it IS NOT an article of Japanese clothing (a sash or belt for securing and decorating a kimono).

On this site it is the small piece of paper included with a CD or LP usually wrapped around the left hand spine of the item. (See also promo obi.)

An obi strip is, for all intents and purposes, a disposable item.  It provides information to the seller and to the buyer (mostly in Japanese) about the item being sold. Once the item has been sold to the consumer it is basically useless (it has served its purpose).

Although not strictly ephemera (disposable paper items such as postage stamps and cigarette and bubble gum cards), obis are collectable items in their own right.

To non-Japanese reading buyers, the dates on the obi provide an indication of when the item was made or became available.

eBay Sniper

Featured Releases (A selection of...)

See all Featured Releases

Front cover (main) image of DU-SP110-0412P : Marley, Bob : Catch A Fire Box (Zippo Lighter)
DU-SP110-0412P : 2006-10-04
Zippo lighter gimmick box in the style of "Catch a Fire"
Front cover (main) image of SONY-BECK : Beck, Jeff : Feed Beck Amplifier Box
SONY-BECK : 2005-02-23

This unique and beautiful clam-shell style promo box contains ten Jeff Beck mini lp cds and has room to fit two more mini LPs. When flipped open, the inside of the box resembles a guitar amplifier.

Front cover (main) image of VC 04-17 : Beatles (The) : Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band
VC 04-17 : 2002-01-01

Russian mini LP of the 1967 album from the Fab Four. Nice reproduction including a full black CD replica of the original vinyl disc.

Front cover (main) image of UICY-94827 : Mike Oldfield : Q.E.2 Deluxe Edition
UICY-94827 : 2012-09-12
Universal Music : Cardboard sleeve (mini LP) reissue from Mike Oldfield featuring the high-fidelity SHM-CD format (compatible with standard CD players) and using the remaster audio made in UK in 2012. The cardboard sleeve faithfully replicates the UK first press LP plus a cardboard sleeve jacket based on a new design. Comes with a description written by Mike Oldfield himself and lyrics. Part of a two-album Mike Oldfield SHM-CD cardboard sleeve reissue series featuring albums "Platinum" and "Q.E.2."
Front cover (main) image of EMER-BOX1 : Emerson, Lake + Palmer : Brain Salad Surgery Box
EMER-BOX1 : 2002-11-21

Front opening promo box and obis from Disk Union came with first five albums in 20 bit K2 : VICP-62114 to VICP-62118

(Images courtesy of The Brain Salad Surgery site

Front cover (main) image of DU-SP146.2 : Bowie, David : Space Oddity Box
DU-SP146.2 : 2007-03-07

This box was issued by Disk Union as part of the 3rd of their 3 box releases in the early 2007. You did not need to buy boxes one (Ziggy Stardust Box and Promo Obis) or two (Low Box and Promo Obis) in order to receive the Space Oddity Box. It came with Let's Dance Box and Promo Obis.


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