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What is a mini LP? E-mail

A mini LP is a CD version of something that was originally released as a 12" (12 inch) vinyl LP.

In many cases the packaging is superior to, or at least more elaborate than the majority of vinyl releases. The reason being that many follow-up vinyl releases were inferior to the first vinyl release (or at least lacked some of the extras found in the first release - such as postcards, posters, lyric sheets etc).

They are often referred to as "cardboard sleeves" and "paper sleeves" being made exclusively from paper or cardboard (other than the CD of course).  Other names and abbreviations include: "jpn lp sleeve cd" and "kami-jacket". (The last of these I guess is an indication that they are held in high esteem by many who collect them.)

They are also known as "LP replicas" as they tend to exactly replicate the original packaging of the first vinyl release.

LPs (short for Long Play) are still made today.  They are made from vinyl (acetate, whatever) and are placed flat on a device known as a turntable.  This rotates the disc at about 33 and 1/3 revolutions per minute.  A needle (or stylus) is placed on the "vinyl" and the vibrations detected by this are translated into an electronic "pulse" which in turn is converted and amplified into sound waves.

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Featured Releases (A selection of...)

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Front cover (main) image of VC 04-17 : Beatles (The) : Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band
VC 04-17 : 2002-01-01

Russian mini LP of the 1967 album from the Fab Four. Nice reproduction including a full black CD replica of the original vinyl disc.

Front cover (main) image of DU-BOX075 : Kluster : Zwei-Osterei Box
DU-BOX075 : 2006-04-06
Two titles only (CTCD-541 and 542) - may have been a Captain Trip box? Can hold up to 8? CDs.
Front cover (main) image of WPCR-13142 (fake) : Led Zeppelin : Fake Led Zeppelin - 40th Anniversary Definitive Collection (Zoso Box)
WPCR-13142 (fake) : 2009-01-01

This fake Led Zeppelin 40th Anniversary appears to be made in China. You would find it hard to pick a sealed copy of this as being anything other than than the real deal.

Inside it is also remarkably similar but has some significant, obvious differences in packaging including: (a) the CD comes in a flimsy loose fitting bag (b) Physical Graffiti has no cut out windows and (c) III (3) has no turning wheel.

The CDs also have the tell tale extra ring in the middle but this is much better disguised than usual.

Unusually for fakes these have the catalogue number and an IFPI code (CC 303) on the silver side of the disc.

Front cover (main) image of ACDC-BOX : AC/DC : Guitar Case Box
ACDC-BOX : 2008-06-01
Warner Promo Box with presenting the form of a guitar hard case. This box was received by mail in coupons. The promo set included also 2 T-Shirts.
Front cover (main) image of Caroline-2008 : Various Artists : Caroline Records 2009 US Releases
Caroline-2008 : 2008-08-05

In late 2008 Caroline Records in the USA released a number of albums by the following artists: UFO, Jethro Tull, Quicksilver Messenger, Brian Eno, Roxy Music, The Raspberries, Kate Bush, Blondie, The Band, Red Hot Chili Peppers and Van Der Graaf Generator (full list below).

Unlike the suspect Universal releases these are 100% Japanese. The only difference between these and the Japanese (apart from being as much as 50% cheaper) is a sticker on the bar code of the obi.

As at March 2009 most of these are still available at Amazon.

Front cover (main) image of 7243 5 51728 2 : Duran Duran : The Singles 81-85 Boxset
7243 5 51728 2 : 2003-04-22
This Boxset covers the singles of Duran Duran from 1981-1985. 13 discs including all the original B-sides. The packaging is a flip top box with each single in a mini-lp style reproduction of the original artwork from the 7" and 12".

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