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Front cover (main) image of DU-BOX045 : Emerson, Lake + Palmer : Tarkus Box and Obis
DU-BOX045 : 2005-09-28

Tarkus promo box and obis released to accompany the first K2 24 bit release of the first five ELP albums.

The artwork is darker than the album cover. It came with 6 promo obis, 2 for Trilogy.

Some of the images shown here include all but one of the Tarkus Mini LP releases spanning 1994 - 2008

Front cover (main) image of YES-BOX1 : Yes : Roger Dean Box
YES-BOX1 : 1998-05-29
This ULTRA RARE promo box has the distinction of being the FIRST EVER Disk Union mini LP Promo Box!! The full title of the box is:YES ORIGINAL JACKET COLLECTION selected from ROGER DEAN WORKS. This box contained five YES mini LP CDs.
Front cover (main) image of UICY-93013-38 : Rolling Stones (The) : In the 60's
UICY-93013-38 : 2006-03-16

2006 (reprinted at least once) release of Stones albums from the earliest days up to 1975. Does not include the early 70s releases.

Each album included a collector card. The backs of the cards, when laid side by side, formed the cover image of "Their Satanic Majesties Request".

Front cover (main) image of Caroline-2008 : Various Artists : Caroline Records 2009 US Releases
Caroline-2008 : 2008-08-05

In late 2008 Caroline Records in the USA released a number of albums by the following artists: UFO, Jethro Tull, Quicksilver Messenger, Brian Eno, Roxy Music, The Raspberries, Kate Bush, Blondie, The Band, Red Hot Chili Peppers and Van Der Graaf Generator (full list below).

Unlike the suspect Universal releases these are 100% Japanese. The only difference between these and the Japanese (apart from being as much as 50% cheaper) is a sticker on the bar code of the obi.

As at March 2009 most of these are still available at Amazon.

Front cover (main) image of VICP-63335 : Premiata Forneria Marconi (PFM) : The World Became The World
VICP-63335 : 2006-02-22
English language version of the earlier native Italian "L'Isola di niente" on ELP's Manticore label. As with the earlier English rehash of PFM's "Per un amico" the lyrics were for the most part re-written (not translated) by Pete Sinfield of King Crimson.
Front cover (main) image of TOCP-65740 : Pink Floyd : The Dark Side Of The Moon
TOCP-65740 : 2001-06-16
The landmark 1973 album from Pink Floyd. This issue contains all the original inserts plus more.

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