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This is a fake Japanese Mini LP. It looks very much like the real thing but is not.

A real version of this product (made in Japan with royalties going to the artist) exists. This is a forgery. The most notable difference between this and the real thing is the printing of the CD. Most fakes have a noticable ring about 9mm from the centre hole of the CD (ie. a ring about 33mm in diameter). The printing on the CD is also often different to the Japanese. The cover is usually only noticably different if you hold the real and fake side by side.

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(The release date shown here is a guess.)

Led Zeppelin - Fake Led Zeppelin - 40th Anniversary Definitive Collection (Zoso Box) (2009)

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Led Zeppelin - Fake Led Zeppelin - 40th Anniversary Definitive Collection (Zoso Box)

WPCR-13142 (fake) (2009)

This fake Led Zeppelin 40th Anniversary appears to be made in China. You would find it hard to pick a sealed copy of this as being anything other than than the real deal.

Inside it is also remarkably similar but has some significant, obvious differences in packaging including: (a) the CD comes in a flimsy loose fitting bag (b) Physical Graffiti has no cut out windows and (c) III (3) has no turning wheel.

The CDs also have the tell tale extra ring in the middle but this is much better disguised than usual.

Unusually for fakes these have the catalogue number and an IFPI code (CC 303) on the silver side of the disc.

Out of print (but other items from this artist may be available)
Click on an image to start viewing larger versions (min 1024 width recommended)
Led Zeppelin - Fake Led Zeppelin - 40th Anniversary Definitive Collection (Zoso Box), Stickers - fake on top Led Zeppelin - Fake Led Zeppelin - 40th Anniversary Definitive Collection (Zoso Box), III Front - fake on top - no wheel and no black border Led Zeppelin - Fake Led Zeppelin - 40th Anniversary Definitive Collection (Zoso Box), III Inside Left - fake on top - no wheel and no black border Led Zeppelin - Fake Led Zeppelin - 40th Anniversary Definitive Collection (Zoso Box), III Back - fake on top - no black border Led Zeppelin - Fake Led Zeppelin - 40th Anniversary Definitive Collection (Zoso Box), III Obi - fake on top - hard to pick some text a little frosty on the fake Led Zeppelin - Fake Led Zeppelin - 40th Anniversary Definitive Collection (Zoso Box), III Inners - fake on top - Text blurry / darker - protective bag swims around inside sleeve and is too big Led Zeppelin - Fake Led Zeppelin - 40th Anniversary Definitive Collection (Zoso Box), III CDs - fake on top - poor definition of colour - faint inner ring Led Zeppelin - Fake Led Zeppelin - 40th Anniversary Definitive Collection (Zoso Box), 	III Silver Side - fake on top - unusual in that they have bothered to fake th catalogue number but different (CC) ifpi
User Comments
rockmaker  (Tue, 20 Dec 2011 (15:37))
Help? I'm having some trouble figuring out if my Zeppelin box is real. Its not by any means shotty, or poor quality, but no mention of SHM exists anywhere on the packaging or disc's. Is there any other ways to determine authenticity? Were there other Japan Box issues besides the SHMs?
alonzo  (Tue, 20 Jul 2010 (23:17))
i think that in future we will khow many interestnig about SHM-CD
sam2095  (Wed, 14 Jul 2010 (09:28))
I would be very surprised if they bothered to use SHM. There have been so many of these sold on eBay that I suspect there are as many fakes out there as the real deal.
dirtyfonzie  (Wed, 14 Jul 2010 (01:47))
Looks like I wound up with a fake from China. Can anyone tell me if the SHM-CD is also fake, or did they actual use this material for the CDs?

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Release Details
This version released:2009-01-01
Original LP release:2009.01
Page credits and acknowledgments...
(Created : 2010 May 12 by sam2095; Last mod: 2010 Dec 14 by sam2095)
(Artist Oricon: 184022)