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Inside stand up from Jethro Tull's Stand Up album

Welcome to the definitive English language resource for all things related to Mini LP Replica CDs.

The crème de la crème of mini paper sleeve LP replicas, and by far the largest selection in this site is the Japanese Mini LP CD.

Since mid 2007, our small team of dedicated enthusiast volunteers have uploaded near complete scans of more than 3,500 cardboard sleeve releases including over 400 official Japanese boxes and box sets. We have identified at least 13,000 Japanese Mini LP releases which we've recorded in our database and plan to build on this as new and old releases come to light.

Be sure to read our section on watching out for fakes. If you want to avoid fakes you can do no better than buy from one our known and trusted eBay sellers using our custom search.


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Front cover (main) image of ACDC-BOX : AC/DC : Guitar Case Box
ACDC-BOX : 2008-06-01
Warner Promo Box with presenting the form of a guitar hard case. This box was received by mail in coupons. The promo set included also 2 T-Shirts.
Front cover (main) image of POCP-9194 to POCP-9208 & 9212/3 : Who (The) : POCP Target Obi Series
POCP-9194 to POCP-9208 & 9212/3 : 1999-09-29
The first edition of the first series of mini LPs for the Who (target obis) came with inserts that were pre-punched. A binder and T-Shirt accompanied the release. It is not clear how these were obtained but it seems likely that the small yellow coupon on the obi would have been snipped off and the folder at least was awarded on surrendering the full set of coupons.
Front cover (main) image of YES-BOX1 : Yes : Roger Dean Box
YES-BOX1 : 1998-05-29
This ULTRA RARE promo box has the distinction of being the FIRST EVER Disk Union mini LP Promo Box!! The full title of the box is:YES ORIGINAL JACKET COLLECTION selected from ROGER DEAN WORKS. This box contained five YES mini LP CDs.
Front cover (main) image of DU-SP146.2 : Bowie, David : Space Oddity Box
DU-SP146.2 : 2007-03-07

This box was issued by Disk Union as part of the 3rd of their 3 box releases in the early 2007. You did not need to buy boxes one (Ziggy Stardust Box and Promo Obis) or two (Low Box and Promo Obis) in order to receive the Space Oddity Box. It came with Let's Dance Box and Promo Obis.

Front cover (main) image of SF-303 : Flower Travellin' Band : Make Up
SF-303 : 2004-12-20
Highly unusual packaging - a fake leather attache breifcase / portfolio.
Front cover (main) image of BVCM-37083 : Presley, Elvis : Elvis Presley
BVCM-37083 : 2000-01-08
This is the eponymous first album from Elvis Presley. It is the first rock & roll album to reach number one on the national charts (holding at number 1 for 20 weeks) and the first million dollar selling pop album.

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