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Where to buy mini LPs


At the bottom of most pages on this site you should find a box showing current ebay auctions. The auctions are either for the artist you are currently viewing (when viewing release details and images) or for mini lps in general (when viewing generic pages - such as this one).

This is not the complete list of ebay items but it does provide many of those currently for sale. At the bottom of the ebay list there is a link to show all items. Further filtering can be done once you're on the ebay site.

A small percentage of each purchase you make using these links helps keep this site up and running.

Same goes for purchases using our "fake free" eBay search.

Japanese based sellers

CDJapan - current month's new Paper Sleeve releases. Once there you can scroll through, day by day, week by week or month by month a few months passed and a few months into the future.  List based with images.  Overseas shipping is generally cheaper than HMV. Buying from CDJapan using links on this site help support the site.

Mundo Link. Japanese dealer offering a number of payment options including PayPal. The page has links to recent releases but bear in mind they are all releases - not just Mini LP.

HMV Japan - recent and future releases. Once there you can scroll through chronologically and also filter by artist's initial.  Navigation is perhaps not quite as good as CDJapan.  Image based and you need to click on image to get release date. Sometimes has stock that CDJapan does not have.

Air Mail Recordings Japan

Captain Trip

Disk Union (Only ships within Japan)

Disk Heaven (Site mostly in Japanese but they apparently ship outside Japan - hard to confirm because the "overseas orders" link is broken.)

Rare and obscure releases (new and pre-loved)

There are a few eBay sellers who have earned the respect of members of the Japanese Import CDs Yahoo group.

Two of the largest sellers on eBay have assisted and continue to assist this site (so of course they deserve special attention). Quicksilverlove

There are others who are less popular (who arguably offer exactly the same level of service on the face of it). To find out other's opinions of ebay sellers you can check their ratings on ebay (take into account how long they've been active) and you can also visit and join the Yahoo group and do a search for "ebay seller" (without the quotes).

Remember that the Yahoo group is just a group of collectors and sellers (people) and they have opinions. The bottom line is, if you want something badly enough you may have to be prepared to pay for it.

If the seller keeps his or her promises and ships quickly and with minimum fuss then the price you are prepared to pay for the item has little to do with that seller's honesty and reliability.

Also remember that many issues are re-released overtime and you may be best to wait for the reissue.

We also sell a few releases on this site.


This link provides a search for "lp sleeve" on Amazon (buying from them using this link helps support this site). They seem to have a fair bit of old stock lying about and there's also the "Market place".

Personally I find the site nearly impossible to use these days as it continually decides that I might be interested in something other than the thing I have specifically asked for.

Also, be warned - there are a lot of fakes on Amazon. The new stock from Amazon supplied stock is fine but be wary of any cheap stock from second hand traders on Amazon. Bargain priced new items from traders are quite likely to be fakes.

Accessories (eg. plastic bags)

Sound Source CDs.

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Featured Releases (A selection of...)

See all Featured Releases

Front cover (main) image of BVCM-37083 : Presley, Elvis : Elvis Presley
BVCM-37083 : 2000-01-08
This is the eponymous first album from Elvis Presley. It is the first rock & roll album to reach number one on the national charts (holding at number 1 for 20 weeks) and the first million dollar selling pop album.
Front cover (main) image of SONY-BECK : Beck, Jeff : Feed Beck Amplifier Box
SONY-BECK : 2005-02-23

This unique and beautiful clam-shell style promo box contains ten Jeff Beck mini lp cds and has room to fit two more mini LPs. When flipped open, the inside of the box resembles a guitar amplifier.

Front cover (main) image of VICP-5442,3,4 : Emerson, Lake + Palmer : First True Japanese Mini LP Rock Release
VICP-5442,3,4 : 1994-09-21

The first three Emerson Lake and Palmer albums (self titled, Tarkus and Pictures at an Exhibition) are arguably the first true Rock Mini LPs. They were released on 21st September 1994.

These had been preceded by a much earlier Lotus and a US release of some Rolling Stones albums repackaged for Japan a few short months before these. Neither of these earlier releases was true to the original vinyl although the Stones came close.

The earliest true Minis were two series of MCA Jazz releases from March 1994 (MVCZ-26 to MVCZ-45) including this example: Death and The Flower.

Front cover (main) image of VICP-63335 : Premiata Forneria Marconi (PFM) : The World Became The World
VICP-63335 : 2006-02-22
English language version of the earlier native Italian "L'Isola di niente" on ELP's Manticore label. As with the earlier English rehash of PFM's "Per un amico" the lyrics were for the most part re-written (not translated) by Pete Sinfield of King Crimson.
Front cover (main) image of UICY-93013-38 : Rolling Stones (The) : In the 60's
UICY-93013-38 : 2006-03-16

2006 (reprinted at least once) release of Stones albums from the earliest days up to 1975. Does not include the early 70s releases.

Each album included a collector card. The backs of the cards, when laid side by side, formed the cover image of "Their Satanic Majesties Request".

Front cover (main) image of TOCP-71041 : Beatles (The) : The Beatles in Mono
TOCP-71041 : 2009-09-09

Published by EMI Music Japan. This box is a little larger than the non-Japanese version as it contains additional printed material.


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