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How large are mini LP replicas? E-mail
Dark Side of the Moon from the Oh By The Way Box set

Japanese and most other mini LP replicas are usually 13.5cm by 13.5cm (5 3/8 inches square). They are slightly taller than (but about the same depth as) standard "jewel case" releases (which are not square).

The thickness depends on the type of cover.  A single sleeve cover (one that does not open out) is quite thin (about 2-3mm thin). Gatefolds are more than double this on the spine (about 6-7mm or thicker).  Some covers are thicker still as they have a large number of inserts or are tri-fold (or more - such as "Yes - Yessongs" which is 1.3cm thick at the spine).

Some non-Japanese replicas are larger in all dimensions (such as "Neil Young - Harvest").

There are also some Japanese replicas that are larger such as "Curved Air - Ariconditioning").

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Featured Releases (A selection of...)

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Front cover (main) image of WPCR-13142 (fake) : Led Zeppelin : Fake Led Zeppelin - 40th Anniversary Definitive Collection (Zoso Box)
WPCR-13142 (fake) : 2009-01-01

This fake Led Zeppelin 40th Anniversary appears to be made in China. You would find it hard to pick a sealed copy of this as being anything other than than the real deal.

Inside it is also remarkably similar but has some significant, obvious differences in packaging including: (a) the CD comes in a flimsy loose fitting bag (b) Physical Graffiti has no cut out windows and (c) III (3) has no turning wheel.

The CDs also have the tell tale extra ring in the middle but this is much better disguised than usual.

Unusually for fakes these have the catalogue number and an IFPI code (CC 303) on the silver side of the disc.

Front cover (main) image of TOCP-65883 : Jethro Tull : Thick As A Brick +2
TOCP-65883 : 2001-10-31
The undisputed classic Jethro Tull album. The first full length concept album from Ian Anderson and, according the official web site, "a rock first: one continuous song on both sides"
Front cover (main) image of DU-BOX045 : Emerson, Lake + Palmer : Tarkus Box and Obis
DU-BOX045 : 2005-09-28

Tarkus promo box and obis released to accompany the first K2 24 bit release of the first five ELP albums.

The artwork is darker than the album cover. It came with 6 promo obis, 2 for Trilogy.

Some of the images shown here include all but one of the Tarkus Mini LP releases spanning 1994 - 2008

Front cover (main) image of UICY-94827 : Mike Oldfield : Q.E.2 Deluxe Edition
UICY-94827 : 2012-09-12
Universal Music : Cardboard sleeve (mini LP) reissue from Mike Oldfield featuring the high-fidelity SHM-CD format (compatible with standard CD players) and using the remaster audio made in UK in 2012. The cardboard sleeve faithfully replicates the UK first press LP plus a cardboard sleeve jacket based on a new design. Comes with a description written by Mike Oldfield himself and lyrics. Part of a two-album Mike Oldfield SHM-CD cardboard sleeve reissue series featuring albums "Platinum" and "Q.E.2."
Front cover (main) image of Die Cut Covers : Hall of Fame : Die Cut Covers
Die Cut Covers :

Die cutting of the cover image or inserts is probably the most common technique employed to create gimmick covers. It's probably also in most cases the cheapest.

There are thousands of die cut covers. Here are a few of the more popular and best known releases.

Front cover (main) image of BoxesWho : Who (The) : Promo Boxes
BoxesWho :

Over the years a number of promotional boxes have been released for "The Who". These have included "Manufacturer", "Disk Union" and "Indeterminate Origin".

Here is a selection...


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