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What is a digipak (digipack)? E-mail
Digipak example

Firstly, it's not a mini LP replica - it may look like the original release and may even in some cases be superior (or at least have more features) - but it's not a mini LP replica.

In terms of CD packaging, most CDs are sold in "jewel cases". The next most common packaging is probably digipack.

Digipak is actually a brand name. They were the first company to produce the packaging. It usually has a cardboard outer cover that always folds open.  Inside there is a plastic tray stuck to the inside of the back cover.

The biggest drawback with digipaks is that you cannot replace the CD tray. Once the little teeth / sprockets that hold the CD in place are damaged then the CD freely floats around (and invariably falls out).

Be wary of buying digipaks through the post.  If you sell them on ebay and want to avoid hassles after the sale, place some bubble wrap (one square inch is enough) inside the cover over the sprockets before packing.

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Featured Releases (A selection of...)

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Front cover (main) image of SF-303 : Flower Travellin' Band : Make Up
SF-303 : 2004-12-20
Highly unusual packaging - a fake leather attache breifcase / portfolio.
Front cover (main) image of UICY-9522 (fake) : Aerosmith : Pump (Real of Fake?)
UICY-9522 (fake) :

Here is a comparison between a genuine official copy of Aerosmith Pump made by Universal and a Russian counterfeit copy. In the picture, the real one is on the left and the fake is on the right.

Front cover (main) image of EMER-BOX1 : Emerson, Lake + Palmer : Brain Salad Surgery Box
EMER-BOX1 : 2002-11-21

Front opening promo box and obis from Disk Union came with first five albums in 20 bit K2 : VICP-62114 to VICP-62118

(Images courtesy of The Brain Salad Surgery site

Front cover (main) image of VICP-5442,3,4 : Emerson, Lake + Palmer : First True Japanese Mini LP Rock Release
VICP-5442,3,4 : 1994-09-21

The first three Emerson Lake and Palmer albums (self titled, Tarkus and Pictures at an Exhibition) are arguably the first true Rock Mini LPs. They were released on 21st September 1994.

These had been preceded by a much earlier Lotus and a US release of some Rolling Stones albums repackaged for Japan a few short months before these. Neither of these earlier releases was true to the original vinyl although the Stones came close.

The earliest true Minis were two series of MCA Jazz releases from March 1994 (MVCZ-26 to MVCZ-45) including this example: Death and The Flower.

Front cover (main) image of hudson-pf01 : Pink Floyd : Hudson Dark Side of the Moon Box
hudson-pf01 : 2008-01-01

A unique creation from Kerry Hudson design. Lavishly sculptured and finished, this felt lined wooden box stand holds all regular sized Pink Floyd Mini vinyl LP replica covers along with a selection of DVDs.

The ultimate gift for the Pink Floyd fan who has everything. (The box is currently for sale from the sculptor. Contact details can be found here.)

This was Kerry's second homage to an artist's releases on Mini LP, the first being Hudson Genesis Box Mach I.

Front cover (main) image of 7243 5 51728 2 : Duran Duran : The Singles 81-85 Boxset
7243 5 51728 2 : 2003-04-22
This Boxset covers the singles of Duran Duran from 1981-1985. 13 discs including all the original B-sides. The packaging is a flip top box with each single in a mini-lp style reproduction of the original artwork from the 7" and 12".

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