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Re:Billy Joel 2008 mini-lp reissues (1 viewing) (1) Guest
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ehadas1 (User)
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Billy Joel 2008 mini-lp reissues 16 Years, 10 Months ago Karma: 1  
I've bought several titles from the 2008 reissues. Piano Man has the bar code on the back cover.

The CD of Streetlife Serenade comes with a plain inner sleeve, not a picture one. Does anyone know if there is an earlier issue which has a picture inner sleeve for this title?
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sam2095 (Moderator)
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Re:Billy Joel 2008 mini-lp reissues 16 Years, 10 Months ago Karma: 2  

Yes indeed - the dreaded bar code (as pictured here). I bought this from in 2007. There were others I bought also that have the bar code. Apparently the earlier (initial) release did not have the bar codes - bummer.
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arvindmohindra (Moderator)
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Re:Billy Joel 2008 mini-lp reissues 16 Years, 10 Months ago Karma: 0  
hi Sam,

are we sure that the earlier albums did not have the bar code. It would be too much of an effort to redesign the sleeve for a reprint. My gut feel is that the bar code has been there all along.


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sam2095 (Moderator)
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Re:Billy Joel 2008 mini-lp reissues 16 Years, 10 Months ago Karma: 2  
I posted this same question myself in the Yahoo group in April last year (the link will only work if you have access to the group).

Someone replied that Stranger did not have the bar code on the cover.... but we are talking about Piano Man here so, no I'm not sure - I will check to see what I've got at home.

I have 4 BJ (I think) not all scanned (obviously otherwise they'd be here on the site) but mine are all 2006-11 release (I think). Cold Spring Harbor does not have the bar code.

Does anyone have the original 2004 printing?
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arvindmohindra (Moderator)
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Re:Billy Joel 2008 mini-lp reissues 16 Years, 10 Months ago Karma: 0  
2005 mini lp of Roger Waters Pros and Cons has the bar code on the original so i reckon it is 100% identical repress for all the SONY artists.
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