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Beatles (The) - The Beatles (aka The White Album) (1968)

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Beatles (The) - The Beatles (aka The White Album)

TOCP 71010-1 (2009)

Double album named the beatles. Kaldes også det hvide album. Gatefold. Navnet the beatles præget i frontcover. Nummer skrevet i sort No 0000001. Ellers er mini lp'en som den originale vinylplade.

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Beatles (The) - The Beatles (aka The White Album), labelbeat Beatles (The) - The Beatles (aka The White Album), Beatles (The) - The Beatles (aka The White Album), Beatles (The) - The Beatles (aka The White Album), Beatles (The) - The Beatles (aka The White Album), Beatles (The) - The Beatles (aka The White Album), Beatles (The) - The Beatles (aka The White Album), Beatles (The) - The Beatles (aka The White Album), Beatles (The) - The Beatles (aka The White Album),
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Release Details
Manufacturer: EMI
This version released:2009-09-09
Original LP release:1968
Obi:OBI er med blå baggrund og hvid skrift.
Cover:Gatefold. All white. Innersleeves til de to cd'er er specielle for denne udgivelse. De er hvide med æblet på den ene side. På den anden side er baggrund rød med billeder af tidligere udgivelser af beatles.
Inserts (as per original):En plakat og 4 billeder.
(Created : 2011 Nov 02 by Pladesamleren; Last mod: 2016 Mar 15 by lepaka)
(Modified 2011 Nov 02 Pladesamleren  |  Modified 2012 Apr 12 sam2095)
(Artist Oricon: 0)