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Re:Mott The Hoople "Mott" Japanese Mini LP / Die C (1 viewing) (1) Guest
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mofiguy (User)
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Mott The Hoople "Mott" Japanese Mini LP / Die Cut 16 Years, 11 Months ago Karma: 0  
This is my first post. I mainly collect Pink Floyd Mini LPs. But I have a CD I want to sell put out by my second favorite group Mott The Hoople/
I have a new sealed copy of "Mott" Bar code # 4571191058034. I tried listing it on Ebay but Ebay did not recognize the number. I have been told that the Mini Lp I have is the first release with a Die-Cut cover. The Mini LPs listed on Ebay now say "Paper sleeve replica based on original UK Die cut gatefold with plastic silk screen insert"[b]. What struck me was the part I put in bold type. "based on the original UK Die cut". When the UK LP came out in the 70's it had a die cut cover. I now have a Die-cut Japanese Mini LP, put out by Sony Music Direct (Japan). Date shown (06-4-3).
I am trying to determine if the Mini LP I own is worth more than a regular release of the same CD ($30). When I purchased the CD the seller told me the reason he was charging the price he was, was because of the die-cut which made it a very hard to find Mini LP.
If any one could help I would really appreciate it.....Thanks
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kigonjiro (Moderator)
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Re:Mott The Hoople "Mott" Japanese Mini LP / Die C 16 Years, 11 Months ago Karma: 2  
Well, first the UPC of your product is correct. Anyway the Mini LPs buyers don´t like the products listed using the internal ebay info based on the UPC. What we like are the real pictures of the product made by the seller himself.

The bad news is that this mini lp has an original price of 1890 Yen and that is about 18 USD right now. This is important because that mini lp was just reprinted in japan, so the people can buy it directly for these 18 - 20 dollars. As is a "reprint" that means that is exactly the same product that the one you have, not different OBI, product ID or anything. So hardly you will receive more than $20 for it right now. I was lucky selling mine for $35 only a month ago only a week before the reprint was widely public. I sold my Mott albums only to buy them boxed after last week reprint.

What made a mini lp hard to find is not a "die cut", embossing, etc... is the people interest on it and the number or units released. The the mini lp goes out of print being harder to find and with his price being increased proportionally in the market. That was the situation with Mott only one or two months ago, but that changed as I explained before.

Hope this can help.
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sam2095 (Moderator)
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Re:Mott The Hoople 16 Years, 11 Months ago Karma: 2  
mofiguy wrote:
This is my first post. I mainly collect Pink Floyd Mini LPs. But I have a CD I want to sell put out by my second favorite group Mott The Hoople/


I have a new sealed copy of "Mott" Bar code # 4571191058034.

In Japanese Mini LP circles we use the release ID that most Japanese Minis seem to have in variaitons of the format XXXX-9999 (or thereabouts). In the case of this mini it's MHCP-1063. Full scans can be found here.

I tried listing it on Ebay but Ebay did not recognize the number.

eBay does not always recognise non-US bar codes (unless the release was also issued in the US and then often it is given a new bar code - a sticker on the outside of the plastic bag.)

I have been told that the Mini Lp I have is the first release with a Die-Cut cover. The Mini LPs listed on Ebay now say "Paper sleeve replica based on original UK Die cut gatefold with plastic silk screen insert". What struck me was the part I put in bold type. "based on the original UK Die cut". When the UK LP came out in the 70's it had a die cut cover. I now have a Die-cut Japanese Mini LP, put out by Sony Music Direct (Japan). Date shown (06-4-3).

The release date of the mini is actually the date above that one on the cardboard flap (the obi) - it was 5th July 2006. The other date was (probably) the date that the jewel case was issued.

I am trying to determine if the Mini LP I own is worth more than a regular release of the same CD ($30). When I purchased the CD the seller told me the reason he was charging the price he was, was because of the die-cut which made it a very hard to find Mini LP.

It is true that a mini LP is generally worth more than the jewel case version - Japanese mini LPs in particular - but the price does fluctuate based on availability. They are re-released from time to time and, when they are in stock they are relatively inexpensive.

This particularly Mini LP was re-printed and re-released a few days ago (14th March - by a staggering coincidence) and you can currently buy this on CDJapan for about $18 USD + postage!

In fact most of the early Mott releases are available for that price - now is definitely the time to buy them!

Welcome to the wonderful world of mini LPs! My best tips - buy directly from Japanese shops ( and when you can; do not buy for investment.
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Last Edit: 2008/03/17 08:57 By sam2095.
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mofiguy (User)
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Re:Mott The Hoople "Mott" Japanese Mini LP / Die C 16 Years, 11 Months ago Karma: 0  
I always make my own pictures and I will not buy if an actual picture is not shown. I tried to attach a scan for this post but the file size was to big. You are right the OBI strip does show 1,890 Yen with (06-4-3) date. What it doesn't have which all the other Mott the Hoople Mini LPs I am selling is the doen't have the "British Rock Explosuion" sticker. Of all the CDs I have listed Slade "Slayed" is showing the most interest. That CD is fro 2006 and shows 2,730 Yen what ever that is worth. Thxs (Can you tell I was into Glam Rock?
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