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Emerson, Lake + Palmer - First True Japanese Mini LP Rock Release (1994)

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Emerson, Lake + Palmer - First True Japanese Mini LP Rock Release

VICP-5442,3,4 (1994)

The first three Emerson Lake and Palmer albums (self titled, Tarkus and Pictures at an Exhibition) are arguably the first true Rock Mini LPs. They were released on 21st September 1994.

These had been preceded by a much earlier Lotus and a US release of some Rolling Stones albums repackaged for Japan a few short months before these. Neither of these earlier releases was true to the original vinyl although the Stones came close.

The earliest true Minis were two series of MCA Jazz releases from March 1994 (MVCZ-26 to MVCZ-45) including this example: Death and The Flower.

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Emerson, Lake + Palmer - First True Japanese Mini LP Rock Release, The first true mini LPs Emerson, Lake + Palmer - First True Japanese Mini LP Rock Release, Reprints from early 1996
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Release Details
Manufacturer: Victor
Format:CD, hard plastic sleeve
This version released:1994-09-21
Original LP release:1994.09
Editor Comments

Perhaps it is not suprising that ELP albums have been the most reprinted and reissued minis so far.

As a result of this they have also seen probably the greatest fluctuation in value. In the early 2000s ELP minis commanded very high prices (over $100). By comparison, in 2009 the latest and greatest SHM versions could be bought at well under half their market price having been dumped on the Chinese market.

Page credits and acknowledgments...
(Created : 2009 Nov 16 by sam2095; Last mod: 2011 Jun 15 by sam2095)
(Modified 2010 Oct 08 sam2095)
(Artist Oricon: 0)