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2025/01/28 06:19 by JarpoMarx Show most recent message
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2024/07/06 16:49 by JarpoMarx Show most recent message
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2016/04/22 15:08 by gakBleagueKam Show most recent message
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2015/10/28 09:26 by sirdan57 Show most recent message
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2012/05/30 22:00 by afjudge Show most recent message
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2010/01/28 02:33 by clodius Show most recent message
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2009/03/01 16:45 by zevallos Show most recent message
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Featured Releases (A selection of...)

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Front cover (main) image of POCP-9194 to POCP-9208 & 9212/3 : Who (The) : POCP Target Obi Series
POCP-9194 to POCP-9208 & 9212/3 : 1999-09-29
The first edition of the first series of mini LPs for the Who (target obis) came with inserts that were pre-punched. A binder and T-Shirt accompanied the release. It is not clear how these were obtained but it seems likely that the small yellow coupon on the obi would have been snipped off and the folder at least was awarded on surrendering the full set of coupons.
Front cover (main) image of BVCM-37083 : Presley, Elvis : Elvis Presley
BVCM-37083 : 2000-01-08
This is the eponymous first album from Elvis Presley. It is the first rock & roll album to reach number one on the national charts (holding at number 1 for 20 weeks) and the first million dollar selling pop album.
Front cover (main) image of DU-BOX075 : Kluster : Zwei-Osterei Box
DU-BOX075 : 2006-04-06
Two titles only (CTCD-541 and 542) - may have been a Captain Trip box? Can hold up to 8? CDs.
Front cover (main) image of WPCR-13517 : Yes : Yessongs
WPCR-13517 : 2009-07-22

"Finally after 36 years a correct version not only printed beautifully but also opening like a book, as it should." (Roger Dean)

The first reproduction of the original UK booklet style cover (however comes on 2 not 3 CDs). Earlier releases of this (AMCY-2733 and AMCY-6293) were created in the US "accordion" style.

Front cover (main) image of EMICD-11228 : Pink Floyd : Oh By The Way: European Box Set
EMICD-11228 : 2007-11-26

16 CD box set - being 14 studio albums including 2 doubles.

According to Pink Floyd Brain Damage site there were a few glitches with this release, the most notable being a misprinting of the inner bag for the second CD in "The Wall".

There are also cases of an album being missed out and duplicates in their places.

The later Japanese release of this box set is basically identical to this box set.

Poor quality fakes exist for this set - more details below.

The original Japanese individual releases are regarded as being of a much higher quality to either of these box sets.

You can see a YouTube video of this set on the videos page.

Front cover (main) image of Rush-Sector-1 : Rush : Sector 1
Rush-Sector-1 : 2011-11-21
Box 1 from a 3 boxes set. Each box is numbered. These are official releases by Universal Music. Each box set has 5 cds and 1 DVD. Each cd is in a replica mini LP sleeve. The DVD is in Surround sound. Each sliding box has a picture from 1 member of the band. On top of the boxes, you find part of the logo that is on the inside of the 2112 cd. Once you put the 3 boxes one beside another, you have the complete logo.

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