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Featured Releases (A selection of...)

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Front cover (main) image of SF-303 : Flower Travellin' Band : Make Up
SF-303 : 2004-12-20
Highly unusual packaging - a fake leather attache breifcase / portfolio.
Front cover (main) image of VICP-63335 : Premiata Forneria Marconi (PFM) : The World Became The World
VICP-63335 : 2006-02-22
English language version of the earlier native Italian "L'Isola di niente" on ELP's Manticore label. As with the earlier English rehash of PFM's "Per un amico" the lyrics were for the most part re-written (not translated) by Pete Sinfield of King Crimson.
Front cover (main) image of UICY-93980 : Stewart, Rod : Sing It Again Rod +5
UICY-93980 : 2009-02-25
Rod's first 'greatest hits' album with a fantastic, die-cut sleeve.
Front cover (main) image of DU-SP110-0412P : Marley, Bob : Catch A Fire Box (Zippo Lighter)
DU-SP110-0412P : 2006-10-04
Zippo lighter gimmick box in the style of "Catch a Fire"
Front cover (main) image of MVCZ-40 : Jarrett, Keith : Death and The Flower
MVCZ-40 : 1994-03-24
One of the earliest Japanese Mini LPs coming from the second batch of K2 20bit Jazz replicas released in March 1994.
Front cover (main) image of WPCR-14304 : Cooper, Alice : Billion Dollar Babies
WPCR-14304 : 2011-12-21
Warner Music Japan : Cardboard sleeve (mini LP) reissue from Alice Cooper featuring the high-fidelity SHM-CD format (compatible with standard CD players) and 2011 remastering. The cardboard sleeve features double jacket with an inner bag and WB moss green label. Comes with a billion-dollar bill (reprint), a description, and lyrics. Part of a twelve-album Alice Cooper SHM-CD cardboard sleeve reissue series featuring albums "Pretties For You," "Easy Action," "Love It To Death," "Killer," "Schools's Out," "Billion Dollar Babies," "Muscle Of Love," "Welcome To My Nightmare," "Goes To Hell," "Lace And Whiskey," "The Alice Cooper Show," and "From The Inside."

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