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possible fake????jethro tull bursting out (1 viewing) (1) Guest
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TOPIC: possible fake????jethro tull bursting out
zevallos (User)
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possible fake????jethro tull bursting out 15 Years, 11 Months ago Karma: 0  
hi all...thxs sam for you answer and sorry for my very bad but i try explain better
i live in chile and i love the mini lps....but i must be careful
look this and tell me please fake or not.]]

look the photo from]
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Last Edit: 2009/03/01 09:11 By zevallos.
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sam2095 (Moderator)
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Re:possible fake????jethro tull bursting out 15 Years, 11 Months ago Karma: 2  
The top scans definitely look like fakes to me. Apart from obvious difference in the printing, the top ones have a ring on the label side of the CD.

Here is a scan of the silver side of the second 2nd. The IFPI code on the reverse is probably not on your copies.

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Last Edit: 2009/03/01 09:55 By sam2095.
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zevallos (User)
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Re:possible fake????jethro tull bursting out 15 Years, 11 Months ago Karma: 0  
yes,my jethro is FAKE....well
the artwork is incredible..very pretty 20 years ago I had el lp original double.
is very similar...the sound is good.
too bad.
The problem here is that you can not open the cd and shops lose credibility if they see a sale in open cd.
the propietraios of these small shops do not know ask for guidance only and distributors in Europe and USA to believe that what they buy is really Japanese.
the shop to buy this mini lp is full of fakes, and people believe they are buying Japanese.
I just buy one of Jethro and humble pie
I buy in 2002 almost the entire genesis of the collection and check the blue logo through cds are all true.
slight scare me a great
I have 4 of shmcd zeppelin are incredible
that good that I have made a mistake in only 2 mini lps must also be fake .....
I hope not falsify the shm-cd
I hope my post will serve many people and not to buy fakes
and seek further guidance before making a purchase
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Last Edit: 2009/03/01 15:41 By zevallos.
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Featured Releases (A selection of...)

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Front cover (main) image of UICY-94827 : Mike Oldfield : Q.E.2 Deluxe Edition
UICY-94827 : 2012-09-12
Universal Music : Cardboard sleeve (mini LP) reissue from Mike Oldfield featuring the high-fidelity SHM-CD format (compatible with standard CD players) and using the remaster audio made in UK in 2012. The cardboard sleeve faithfully replicates the UK first press LP plus a cardboard sleeve jacket based on a new design. Comes with a description written by Mike Oldfield himself and lyrics. Part of a two-album Mike Oldfield SHM-CD cardboard sleeve reissue series featuring albums "Platinum" and "Q.E.2."
Front cover (main) image of WPCR-13295 : Talking Heads : Speaking In Tongues (+2)
WPCR-13295 : 2009-01-14

Fifth studio album, featuring Talking Heads only US Top Ten hit, Burning Down The House (including an alternative version as a bonus, and an unfinished outtake of Two Note Swivel).

This version is a reproduction of the limited edition clear vinyl version designed by artist Robert Rauschenberg, who won a Grammy Award for his work.

Front cover (main) image of ARC-7003 : Semiramis : Dedicato a Frazz
ARC-7003 : 2002-03-27

Rare Italian Progressive rock album from the Trident label.

Images for this release show two different types of obis for original (sticker) and reprints (paper) of this release.

Front cover (main) image of Caroline-2008 : Various Artists : Caroline Records 2009 US Releases
Caroline-2008 : 2008-08-05

In late 2008 Caroline Records in the USA released a number of albums by the following artists: UFO, Jethro Tull, Quicksilver Messenger, Brian Eno, Roxy Music, The Raspberries, Kate Bush, Blondie, The Band, Red Hot Chili Peppers and Van Der Graaf Generator (full list below).

Unlike the suspect Universal releases these are 100% Japanese. The only difference between these and the Japanese (apart from being as much as 50% cheaper) is a sticker on the bar code of the obi.

As at March 2009 most of these are still available at Amazon.

Front cover (main) image of UICY-93013-38 : Rolling Stones (The) : In the 60's
UICY-93013-38 : 2006-03-16

2006 (reprinted at least once) release of Stones albums from the earliest days up to 1975. Does not include the early 70s releases.

Each album included a collector card. The backs of the cards, when laid side by side, formed the cover image of "Their Satanic Majesties Request".

Front cover (main) image of SF-303 : Flower Travellin' Band : Make Up
SF-303 : 2004-12-20
Highly unusual packaging - a fake leather attache breifcase / portfolio.

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