Featured Releases (A selection of...)
DU-BOX045 : 2005-09-28 Tarkus promo box and obis released to accompany the first K2 24 bit release of the first five ELP albums. The artwork is darker than the album cover. It came with 6 promo obis, 2 for Trilogy. Some of the images shown here include all but one of the Tarkus Mini LP releases spanning 1994 - 2008 |
SF-303 : 2004-12-20 Highly unusual packaging - a fake leather attache breifcase / portfolio. |
DU-SP146.2 : 2007-03-07 This box was issued by Disk Union as part of the 3rd of their 3 box releases in the early 2007. You did not need to buy boxes one (Ziggy Stardust Box and Promo Obis) or two (Low Box and Promo Obis) in order to receive the Space Oddity Box. It came with Let's Dance Box and Promo Obis. |
UICY-93980 : 2009-02-25 Rod's first 'greatest hits' album with a fantastic, die-cut sleeve. |
SONY-BECK : 2005-02-23 This unique and beautiful clam-shell style promo box contains ten Jeff Beck mini lp cds and has room to fit two more mini LPs. When flipped open, the inside of the box resembles a guitar amplifier. |
UICY-9522 (fake) : Here is a comparison between a genuine official copy of Aerosmith Pump made by Universal and a Russian counterfeit copy. In the picture, the real one is on the left and the fake is on the right. |