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Featured Releases (A selection of...)

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Front cover (main) image of DU-BOX045 : Emerson, Lake + Palmer : Tarkus Box and Obis
DU-BOX045 : 2005-09-28

Tarkus promo box and obis released to accompany the first K2 24 bit release of the first five ELP albums.

The artwork is darker than the album cover. It came with 6 promo obis, 2 for Trilogy.

Some of the images shown here include all but one of the Tarkus Mini LP releases spanning 1994 - 2008

Front cover (main) image of ACDC-BOX : AC/DC : Guitar Case Box
ACDC-BOX : 2008-06-01
Warner Promo Box with presenting the form of a guitar hard case. This box was received by mail in coupons. The promo set included also 2 T-Shirts.
Front cover (main) image of anon-queen-opera : Queen : A Night At The Opera Box
anon-queen-opera :
Home made box featuring art work from Queen's "A Night At The Opera". Images for this box were anonymously donated to the MiniLPs site along with the assurance that only a few of these were made for close friends.
Front cover (main) image of WPCR-13295 : Talking Heads : Speaking In Tongues (+2)
WPCR-13295 : 2009-01-14

Fifth studio album, featuring Talking Heads only US Top Ten hit, Burning Down The House (including an alternative version as a bonus, and an unfinished outtake of Two Note Swivel).

This version is a reproduction of the limited edition clear vinyl version designed by artist Robert Rauschenberg, who won a Grammy Award for his work.

Front cover (main) image of hudson-pf01 : Pink Floyd : Hudson Dark Side of the Moon Box
hudson-pf01 : 2008-01-01

A unique creation from Kerry Hudson design. Lavishly sculptured and finished, this felt lined wooden box stand holds all regular sized Pink Floyd Mini vinyl LP replica covers along with a selection of DVDs.

The ultimate gift for the Pink Floyd fan who has everything. (The box is currently for sale from the sculptor. Contact details can be found here.)

This was Kerry's second homage to an artist's releases on Mini LP, the first being Hudson Genesis Box Mach I.

Front cover (main) image of DU-BOX075 : Kluster : Zwei-Osterei Box
DU-BOX075 : 2006-04-06
Two titles only (CTCD-541 and 542) - may have been a Captain Trip box? Can hold up to 8? CDs.

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