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Re:The worst album cover ever? (1 viewing) (1) Guest
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TOPIC: Re:The worst album cover ever?
Iggy (User)
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The worst album cover ever? 16 Years, 9 Months ago Karma: 0  
Four naked Welshmen exposing themselves to a young boy in a sauna........surely MAN's "Revelation" is the worst album cover of all time?

And look at the daft expressions on their faces- not the slightest trace of irony or humour! One can only wonder why they never made the big time.

Not exactly a valid "mini-lp" topic I know, but I'd be genuinely interested if anyone knows of a more rdiculous album cover. And no, "Smell The Glove" doesn't count.

All the best,

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TrippingOverGod (User)
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Re:The worst album cover ever? 16 Years, 9 Months ago Karma: 0  
On a similiar child abuse theme, the Scorpions "Virgin Killer" is quite a famous one. A naked 10 year old girl in a very clearly sexual pose, even with quite a sultry look on her face, with only a crack in glass covering her. Unsurprisingly, it was quickly replaced. It's amazing to me that it was even released in the first place.
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Iggy (User)
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Re:The worst album cover ever? 16 Years, 9 Months ago Karma: 0  
Good call about The Scorpions "Virgin Killer"- a cover so bad it doesn't even attempt to walk the fine line between clever and stupid. Another favourite of mine is Black Sabbath's "Paranoid"- clearly they'd spent all the artwork budget on drugs and booze and so had to realize their conception of a Demon Warrior From Hell by dressing up one of their roadies in his underpants and a motorbike helmet. Lucky they still had enough cash to pick up a plastic sword and shield from Woolworth's toy department, or I bet the poor fella would've felt a right prat.

Any other nominations?

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clodius (User)
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Re:The worst album cover ever? 15 Years, 1 Month ago Karma: 0  
I agree with Stu about the Paranoid low budget cover ! I would like to suggest Tony Williams 'Million Dollar legs' cover where this famous jazz drummer looks so ridiculus. Another suggestion, the self titled Suzi Quatro where you can see her beside a disgusting dirty guy emtying his beer bottle ! This Suzi Quatro mini lp is not japanese but very well made BTW...

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clodius (User)
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Re:The worst album cover ever? 15 Years, 1 Month ago Karma: 0  
I checked your nominee Man's Revelation...WHAT A LAUGH ! Good find !

Let me propose you in a still 'sexually oriented' and powerfully ridicoulus manner : Dennis Coffey 'Finger licking good'. Please check this out ! I hope it wont be released in mini lp ....

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Front cover (main) image of MHCP-1002 : Santana : Lotus
MHCP-1002 : 2006-06-07

Recorded in early July 1973 this album took nearly a year to make it to streets.

One of the most elaborate record covers ever produced and probably the most elaborate so far to make it to mini LP release. It is nearly impossible to capture the splendour of this on a web site but we shall try...

Front cover (main) image of WPCR-13142 (fake) : Led Zeppelin : Fake Led Zeppelin - 40th Anniversary Definitive Collection (Zoso Box)
WPCR-13142 (fake) : 2009-01-01

This fake Led Zeppelin 40th Anniversary appears to be made in China. You would find it hard to pick a sealed copy of this as being anything other than than the real deal.

Inside it is also remarkably similar but has some significant, obvious differences in packaging including: (a) the CD comes in a flimsy loose fitting bag (b) Physical Graffiti has no cut out windows and (c) III (3) has no turning wheel.

The CDs also have the tell tale extra ring in the middle but this is much better disguised than usual.

Unusually for fakes these have the catalogue number and an IFPI code (CC 303) on the silver side of the disc.

Front cover (main) image of BoxesWho : Who (The) : Promo Boxes
BoxesWho :

Over the years a number of promotional boxes have been released for "The Who". These have included "Manufacturer", "Disk Union" and "Indeterminate Origin".

Here is a selection...

Front cover (main) image of EMICD-11228 : Pink Floyd : Oh By The Way: European Box Set
EMICD-11228 : 2007-11-26

16 CD box set - being 14 studio albums including 2 doubles.

According to Pink Floyd Brain Damage site there were a few glitches with this release, the most notable being a misprinting of the inner bag for the second CD in "The Wall".

There are also cases of an album being missed out and duplicates in their places.

The later Japanese release of this box set is basically identical to this box set.

Poor quality fakes exist for this set - more details below.

The original Japanese individual releases are regarded as being of a much higher quality to either of these box sets.

You can see a YouTube video of this set on the videos page.

Front cover (main) image of UICY-93980 : Stewart, Rod : Sing It Again Rod +5
UICY-93980 : 2009-02-25
Rod's first 'greatest hits' album with a fantastic, die-cut sleeve.
Front cover (main) image of EMER-BOX1 : Emerson, Lake + Palmer : Brain Salad Surgery Box
EMER-BOX1 : 2002-11-21

Front opening promo box and obis from Disk Union came with first five albums in 20 bit K2 : VICP-62114 to VICP-62118

(Images courtesy of The Brain Salad Surgery site


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