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Supertramp SHM-CD releases (1 viewing) (1) Guest
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TOPIC: Supertramp SHM-CD releases
ehadas1 (User)
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Supertramp SHM-CD releases 16 Years, 3 Months ago Karma: 1  
In the entry for "Breakfast In America" by lina86, the vinyl ring insert appears with a gray border - not usually available in the standard release. I have the 10 Supertramp SHM-CD releases, bought from HMV and CD Japan, where the first 5 releases (according to original year of the LP release) do NOT have the insert, while the other 5 do have the card.

This may be explained by the original UK vinyl labels: the first 5 LP's have the plain A&M label, while the last 5 have labels with different designs, as in this case.

If any of you have these new Supertramp CD's, please check this and post your comments.
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kigonjiro (Moderator)
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Re:Supertramp SHM-CD releases 16 Years, 3 Months ago Karma: 2  
Well, someone made a mistake with the grey border this time. This is a normal item, not a promo. The numbered label card is included in all the Breakfast in America mini lps (almost in this release, I don´t know what will happen in the next).

The only promo item from this release is the Disk Union box.

Obviusly, is the only one of the 4 minis uploaded till today that have it, but that´s because -as you said- the first 5 Supertramp albums don´t include the label cards. The label cards start with Breakfast, the same that the special packaged albums with colours in the inner side of the jackets, cutouts, embossing,... these seocond 5 albums received a luxury design. Very nice.
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Last Edit: 2008/10/05 00:17 By kigonjiro.
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sam2095 (Moderator)
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Re:Supertramp SHM-CD releases 16 Years, 3 Months ago Karma: 2  
I have just checked through mine and yes the first 5 do not have the cards.

I was particularly disappointed with "Crime" which has a card insert in washed out grey rather than an inner sleeve with a nice black background.

Given that HMV now has Crime back in stock I can only assume they always intended to reprint the first 5 albums but not the last 5 (and therefore not have to worry about having some with cards and some without.

If anyone buys / has bought the second batch of Crime please advise if it's the same crappy "inner sleeve".


PS. I have removed the grey border from the scans.
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Last Edit: 2008/10/05 22:43 By sam2095.
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sam2095 (Moderator)
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Re:Supertramp SHM-CD releases 16 Years, 3 Months ago Karma: 2  
Given that HMV now has Crime back in stock I can only assume they always intended to reprint the first 5 albums but not the last 5 (and therefore not have to worry about having some with cards and some without.

Sorry - they appeared again yesterday as in stock but are now back to "deleted special editions"....
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