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Who (The) - Promo Boxes

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Who (The) - Promo Boxes


Over the years a number of promotional boxes have been released for "The Who". These have included "Manufacturer", "Disk Union" and "Indeterminate Origin".

Here is a selection...

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Who (The) - Promo Boxes, Backs of some of the boxes
Editors please note - help wanted!
User Comments
Pichit  (Mon, 05 Jan 2009 (03:19))
Sam are right, after I checked my other 4 boxes, the rest are Exciting box, Odds and sods box, A quick One box and Tommy box.
I still doubted that the oldest box should be The Kids box, not Quadrophenia.
sam2095  (Sun, 14 Dec 2008 (20:05))
Apparently not... The older one (the first one shown below from 2005 that contains CDRs) is an unofficial release.
Pichit  (Wed, 10 Dec 2008 (15:07))
All of them are DU box except the biggest one with Union Jack Flag is manufacture box. There are new five boxes which are not include in this pic.

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(Created : 2008 Dec 09 by sam2095; Last mod: 2009 Dec 23 by sam2095)
(Artist Oricon: 0)