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Velvet Underground (The) - The Velvet Underground & Nico (1967)

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Velvet Underground (The) - The Velvet Underground & Nico

UICY-9134 (2001)

The debut album, produced by Andy Warhol, from the band launched under the banner of a show called "The Exploding Plastic Inevitable".

The grand daddy of the new wave movement.

Out of print (but other items from this artist may be available)
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Velvet Underground (The) - The Velvet Underground & Nico, VU Original Jacket Collection obi Velvet Underground (The) - The Velvet Underground & Nico, CD and booklet Velvet Underground (The) - The Velvet Underground & Nico, Inside gatefold Velvet Underground (The) - The Velvet Underground & Nico, Back cover with sticker
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Release Details
Manufacturer: Universal
This version released:2001-11-07

Reprinted on or about: 2006-09-27

Original LP release:1967.03
Audio quality etc:Repress of POCY-9001. The inside stamp on the CD states POCY-9001. The printed label shows UICY-9134 and then POCY-9001 in parenthesis underneath this.
Obi:"VU Original Jacket Collection".

High quality thick gatefold with black and white images of the band and friends inside the gatefold. Front cover comes complete with peelable banana. The black and wite writing on the back cover ("The Velvet Underground & Nico produced by Andy Warhol") is printed on a sticker (stuck on).

COVER DESIGN: Arcy R. Lehman




Cover painting BANANA by: ANDY WARHOL

Lyrics:Japanese and English in thick B&W booklet.
Editor Comments

The "VU Original Jacket Collection" was a series of 7 releases (8 CDs) by Universal of the first 3 VU studio albums, a live album from 1969 (released in 1974), two albums of outtakes released in the mid 1980s from the same period (1967-1969) and Nico's "Chelsea Girl" (also 1967).

The obi states the release as being 2001-11-07 but a number of Japanese sites record the release date as being two weeks earlier: 2001-10-24. It seems the series was released in 3 lots, 10-24, 10-31 and 11-07 with possibly 1969 being the only one released on 10-24.

Another (US) site states that they were all released on 2001-10-31 with the exception of "Another View" which was released on 11-07.

Page credits and acknowledgments...
(Created : 2006 Aug 27 by System; Last mod: 2009 Nov 05 by sam2095)
(Modified 2006-Dec-28 by sam2095)
(Artist Oricon: 25668)