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This Mortal Coil - This Mortal Coil (2011)

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This Mortal Coil - This Mortal Coil

TMCBOX 1 (2011)

4AD released this boxset of all three This Mortal Coil albums. Each record has been re-mastered from the original analogue studio tapes by John Dent at Loud Mastering, to achieve the best digital sound available today. Additionally there is a fourth album, Dust & Guitars, that compiles all the singles, including an unreleased one that was to have been part of the Rough Trade Singles Club and features the otherwise unavailable recording of Neil Young's 'We Never Danced'. The HDCD albums are packaged in paper sleeves printed to the highest standard by the Ichikudo company in Japan, along with inner sleeves and booklets. They are released in a very limited edition box set, with the box itself a deluxe two-piece. The official three albums have re-designed sleeves by Ivo Watts-Russell and Vaughan Oliver, 4AD's long time visual partner, which cater to the reduced size, feature gatefold sleeves, and remain inspired by the originals. The fourth album, which won't be available to general retail outside the box set, incorporates unseen images of Pallas Citroën, the 'face' of This Mortal Coil.

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Release Details
Mastering:HDCD (2010)
This version released:2011-10-12
Original LP release:2011.10
Obi:Obi's for each of the discs
Cover:Re-imagined from the original overs by the original designer, Vaughan Oliver.
Inserts (as per original):None.
Inserts (additional):New inner sleeves and a booklet with each disc.
Lyrics:No lyric sheets, but each gatefold sleeve has the lyric from one song from the disc.
(Created : 2011 Nov 29 by ConradWZ; Last mod: 2011 Nov 29 by ConradWZ)
(Artist Oricon: 0)