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This box is not an authorised release - it is not what it claims to be.

Unlike Disk Union and Manufacturer produced boxes this box has been produced without the permission of the copyright holder. The quality may be high but it is still not what it claims to be.

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(The release date shown here is a guess.)

Pink Floyd - The Wall Big Box

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Pink Floyd - The Wall Big Box


Argued to be a prototype Disk Union box that was never officially released.

Looks remarkably like the Santana box from Sony in shape but given that it can hold the full set of Pink Floyd Japanese Mini LPs including Pulse (EMI and Sony releases in other words) it's unlikely it would be a Manufacturer's release.

Regarded by many to be a fake - guilty until proved otherwise.

Click on an image to start viewing larger versions (min 1024 width recommended)
Pink Floyd - The Wall Big Box, The Dark Side of the Box Pink Floyd - The Wall Big Box, Box with full contents
User Comments
sam2095  (Sat, 13 Feb 2010 (15:02))
The only place this can be bought is on eBay (unless you know the person who made this).
emiliobastado  (Fri, 12 Feb 2010 (22:56))
Where do i find this ?

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Release Details
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(Created : 2007 Oct 13 by sam2095; Last mod: 2008 Apr 09 by sam2095)
(Modified 2008-Apr-9 by sam2095)
(Artist Oricon: 0)