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Joplin, Janis (Big Brother & The Holding Company) - Cheap Thrills +4 (1968)

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Joplin, Janis (Big Brother & The Holding Company) - Cheap Thrills +4

MHCP-921 (2005)

Remastered issue plus bonus tracks: "Roadblock" and "Flower in the Sun" (both outtakes from the period) and "Catch Me Daddy" and "Magic of Love" recorded live shortly prior to the recording of the this album.

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Joplin, Janis (Big Brother & The Holding Company) - Cheap Thrills +4, Obi Joplin, Janis (Big Brother & The Holding Company) - Cheap Thrills +4, Inside Gatefold Joplin, Janis (Big Brother & The Holding Company) - Cheap Thrills +4, CD and inner Joplin, Janis (Big Brother & The Holding Company) - Cheap Thrills +4, Here's how records give you more of what you want: Joplin, Janis (Big Brother & The Holding Company) - Cheap Thrills +4, Back cover Joplin, Janis (Big Brother & The Holding Company) - Cheap Thrills +4, Inner bag advertisments
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Release Details
Manufacturer: Sony
Mastering:Remastered (1999)
This version released:2005-12-21
Original LP release:1968.07
Obi:Pink and white replica of the original vinyl release obi. Undated and shows this release's catalogue number (not the vinyl).
Cover:Gatefold. Front cover cartoon created from the album's track list by Robert Crumb.
Inserts (as per original):

Very cute inner sleeve showing releases of the same vintage from CBS but with little or nothing in common except that. Artists include Barbara Steisand, Andy Williams, Tony Bennett, Simon and Garfunkel and (the closest in more ways than one) John Wesley Harding from Bob Dylan.

The reverse side of the inner has a list stating "Here's how records give you more of what you want:" which goes on to list (with moderately detailed jutification)

  1. They're your best entertainment buy
  2. They allow selectivity of songs and tracks
  3. They're convenient and easy to handle
  4. They're attractive, informative and easy to store
  5. They'll give you hours of continuous and uninterrupted listening pleasure
  6. They're the proven medium
  7. If it's in recorded form, you know it'll be available on records
  8. They make a great gift

"And remember... It always happens first on records."

I guess they'll be smiling in 30 years time when they see us saying the same thing about CDs!

Editor Comments

This edition only available as part of Box of Pearls.

Page credits and acknowledgments...
(Created : 2006 Oct 27 by sam2095; Last mod: 2009 Jan 05 by sam2095)
(Modified 2006-Oct-28 by sam2095)
(Artist Oricon: 0)