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Re:New member,just have one question for cd japan (1 viewing) (1) Guest
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TOPIC: Re:New member,just have one question for cd japan
nemo123 (User)
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New member,just have one question for cd japan 12 Years, 10 Months ago Karma: 0  
I am so shy andI dn't know if I am at the right place to ask this question. I am a blind person, jut started to purchase Japanese mini lp sleeve and I have sign in with cd japan, if I am making a mistake and I ask at the wrong place, please forgive me. My qustion is this, I have visited many time cd japan, and I a located in Canada, now, whe I look with the helpof my screen reader an idem that I would loe to purchase, I find the price very fair, but can someone tell me why the shipping is so much, why would cd japn not aloud regular mil, it would be so much cheaper and a person like me could purchase from cd japan so much more. I have friends in Japan and we use regular mail and we hav never lost anything. Why not giving that obtion? I would like to thank you so much to not be upset if I have ask a question at a wrong place. Though, I was looking now for 2 weeks at new albums and really , it is the shipping that stop me from purchasing. Again, offering regular mail, maybee with a warning that the purchaser is let's say purchasing at their ownrisk. Sorry for my spelling. Am I making any sens? Thank you for reading my question.
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sam2095 (Moderator)
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Re:New member,just have one question for cd japan 12 Years, 10 Months ago Karma: 2  

It is possibly a problem with your screen reader (or rather a problem with the site design). CDJapan actually have the most reasonable shipping options and rates of all the major Japanese sellers in my opinion. They offer everything from SAL (Surface Air - can be registered if you want) up to FedEx (which is of course expensive).

When you get to the "Order Summary" page in the checkout process (where they tell you the shipping price) there is a button shortly after an "h6" heading called "Shipping Method" with the text "Edit". If you click on this link you can change the shipping method to one of the far cheaper options. This is a radio button selection. Also, it remembers what you chose last time so you probably only need to do this once. I can't give you an href for this as it is linked to your order number.

It would have been better for you (and better design) if they had either labelled the button "Change Shipping Method" or at least added some alternate text - but there you go.

If you still have problems then email them on info at cdjapan dot com. They sometimes take a little while to respond but they are very helpful.

All the best, Sam.
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Last Edit: 2012/04/04 15:42 By sam2095.
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Front cover (main) image of TOCP 71010-1 : Beatles (The) : The Beatles (aka The White Album)
TOCP 71010-1 : 2009-09-09
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Front cover (main) image of VICP-5442,3,4 : Emerson, Lake + Palmer : First True Japanese Mini LP Rock Release
VICP-5442,3,4 : 1994-09-21

The first three Emerson Lake and Palmer albums (self titled, Tarkus and Pictures at an Exhibition) are arguably the first true Rock Mini LPs. They were released on 21st September 1994.

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anon-queen-opera :
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DU-BOX226L : 2008-02-22
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