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Re:question for cd japan (1 viewing) (1) Guest
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TOPIC: Re:question for cd japan
nemo123 (User)
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question for cd japan 12 Years, 9 Months ago Karma: 0  
Wow! now I am really so sorry, I use a screen reader being blind and I just realise that my software was not working right and I see that my message is missing all kind of letter.
I hope that the group will forgive me.
My question was that for about 2 weeks I am looking at new albums on the webb site cd japan. and I see that the price for each album is fair. No complaint at all, but I am wondering if someone could tell me why in regard to the shipping process, we don't have the obtion to choose regular mail?
I understand that with regular mail, for exemple , we can not track the idem. but I do have friends in Japan and we use regular mail all the time and I have never lost anything.
I am wondering why not to give the choice to the person that purchase to take a chance with regular mail.
Even if cd japan would give a kind of warning about using regular mail.
Maybe the moderator could answer me.
I would purchase so much more if the obtion of regular mail would be offer.
thank you so much to be patient with me.
I am very sorry for my previous post.
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sam2095 (Moderator)
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Re:question for cd japan 12 Years, 9 Months ago Karma: 2  
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Front cover (main) image of EMER-BOX1 : Emerson, Lake + Palmer : Brain Salad Surgery Box
EMER-BOX1 : 2002-11-21

Front opening promo box and obis from Disk Union came with first five albums in 20 bit K2 : VICP-62114 to VICP-62118

(Images courtesy of The Brain Salad Surgery site

Front cover (main) image of UICY-9522 (fake) : Aerosmith : Pump (Real of Fake?)
UICY-9522 (fake) :

Here is a comparison between a genuine official copy of Aerosmith Pump made by Universal and a Russian counterfeit copy. In the picture, the real one is on the left and the fake is on the right.

Front cover (main) image of anon-queen-opera : Queen : A Night At The Opera Box
anon-queen-opera :
Home made box featuring art work from Queen's "A Night At The Opera". Images for this box were anonymously donated to the MiniLPs site along with the assurance that only a few of these were made for close friends.
Front cover (main) image of BoxesWho : Who (The) : Promo Boxes
BoxesWho :

Over the years a number of promotional boxes have been released for "The Who". These have included "Manufacturer", "Disk Union" and "Indeterminate Origin".

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Front cover (main) image of Rush-Sector-1 : Rush : Sector 1
Rush-Sector-1 : 2011-11-21
Box 1 from a 3 boxes set. Each box is numbered. These are official releases by Universal Music. Each box set has 5 cds and 1 DVD. Each cd is in a replica mini LP sleeve. The DVD is in Surround sound. Each sliding box has a picture from 1 member of the band. On top of the boxes, you find part of the logo that is on the inside of the 2112 cd. Once you put the 3 boxes one beside another, you have the complete logo.
Front cover (main) image of WPCR-14304 : Cooper, Alice : Billion Dollar Babies
WPCR-14304 : 2011-12-21
Warner Music Japan : Cardboard sleeve (mini LP) reissue from Alice Cooper featuring the high-fidelity SHM-CD format (compatible with standard CD players) and 2011 remastering. The cardboard sleeve features double jacket with an inner bag and WB moss green label. Comes with a billion-dollar bill (reprint), a description, and lyrics. Part of a twelve-album Alice Cooper SHM-CD cardboard sleeve reissue series featuring albums "Pretties For You," "Easy Action," "Love It To Death," "Killer," "Schools's Out," "Billion Dollar Babies," "Muscle Of Love," "Welcome To My Nightmare," "Goes To Hell," "Lace And Whiskey," "The Alice Cooper Show," and "From The Inside."

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