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Re:Who can you trust on eBay? (1 viewing) (1) Guest
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nbrandon (User)
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Who can you trust on eBay? 17 Years ago Karma: 0  
[edit] Continued from Re:Question about mini LP packaging [/edit]

"most... there is one who words the auctions very carefully to omit the fact that the unique items they sell are illegal and of their own construction"

Please tell who it is! I do a lot of dealing on Ebay and would love to know. Does anyone know anything about albequerqe-ny? Are they to be trusted with authentic product? I just won something from them -- I did make sure to E-mail first and get confirmation that the disc is indeed authentic and authorized.

How about neco_kick and sushi-sushami? Are they to be trusted?

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Last Edit: 2008/02/03 17:17 By sam2095.
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sam2095 (Moderator)
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Re:Who can you trust on eBay? 17 Years ago Karma: 2  
neco_kick = 100% from 42,403 (lots of repeat business)
sushi-sashmi = 100% from 19,656 (lots of repear business)

albequerqe-ny - I've seen a name like this but the spelling is incorrect so cannot check

Most Japanese based large feedback 99%+ are extremely honourable people and to be trusted

The first two certainly fit into this category.

Regarding the name of the seller.... I don't like naming names for all sorts of reasons. However, I did some more research and the seller who sells very well made numbered home made boxes has significantly less than 99% (so the above rule applies). I guess I should point out that I am told he is selling a quality product that you may very well enjoy but it is in no way official. As such, it is theoretically possible that if he can make such good quality products, perhaps everything he sells is suspect?
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Last Edit: 2008/02/03 16:30 By sam2095.
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nbrandon (User)
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Re:Who can you trust on eBay? 17 Years ago Karma: 0  
Thanks for the reply! The correct spelling of that Ebay seller is albuquerque-ny.

On another note, can you (or anyone else) help me with the Earth, Wind & Fire issue I asked about under the "forgeries" thread? It's something I'm very curious about and have received no replies! Let me know if you can help!

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Last Edit: 2008/02/03 16:31 By sam2095.
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kigonjiro (Moderator)
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Re:Who can you trust on eBay? 17 Years ago Karma: 2  
Of course Sushi-Sashimi (*) my primary "drug dealer" and Neko Kick (*) are 100% japanese originals as Sam said.

These others too:

albuquerque-ny is 100% original japanese mini lps.(*)
Eiselvis is 100% original japanese mini lps.(*)
Plastic Japan (wardybonk)is 100% original japanese mini lps.(*)
ClassicMode_1223 is 100% original japanese mini lps.(*)
Hawaii Cyber is 100% original japanese mini lps.(*)
Quicksilverlove is 100% original japanese mini lps.(*)
cdfrjapan is 100% original japanese mini lps.(*)
einherjer1983 is 100% original japanese mini lps.(*)
floydman1 is 100% original japanese mini lps.(*)
atemzeit is 100% original japanese mini lps.(*)
xboxin123 is 100% original japanese mini lps.(*)
japan-trader is 100% original japanese mini lps.
tvik is 100% original japanese mini lps.(*)
necrosis76 is 100% original japanese mini lps.(*)
jazzist123 is 100% original japanese mini lps.(*)
helix1952 is 100% original japanese mini lps.(*)
tokyodream disk store is 100% original japanese mini lps.(*) Has some stores in Japan (
fantasia records is 100% original japanese mini lps.
kotoj-toy is 100% original japanese mini lps.
Pert Neubes is 100% original japanese mini lps.(*)
ozjeremy is 100% original japanese mini lps.(*)

But also some people that are primary buyers, time to time sells some minis also, like Sam himself, or as I did in the last two weeks with my repeated items.

100% fakes:
These sellers:

- Bonus Everytime, (and as a rule of thumb any other selling Beatles minis)
- sebruca
- fenderfanclub
- dd_records
- united5455
- sparrowflyintheair
- roycollection
- ruth0026
- ekarinae
- cdswarehouse

I had deals with most of the sellers listed and I can guarantee you that are 100% originals.
Marked with (*) the sellers that I´ve bought from.

I don´t need to buy from "Bonus Everytime" to know that sell russian counterfeits.

As a rule, most of the minis do not have counterfeits, the ones that you need to take care about are the ones included in this page: If a tittle is included in this page and you are interested in it, then use only trusted sellers.

Hope this help.

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Last Edit: 2009/12/10 11:24 By sam2095.
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sam2095 (Moderator)
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Re:Who can you trust on eBay? 17 Years ago Karma: 2  
Some of the sellers Domingo mentions here are not Japanese based, they are Chinese based, but they are indeed honest and reliable and when they say they are selling 100% Japanese they are being truthful. The thing to watch out for with Chinese based sellers is that they sometimes sell "promo" CDs (in the Western sense - that is they are marked in some way such as this release which has a stamp burnt into the CD and a sticker on the barcode).

I have found that it is always best to ask Chinese sellers if each item is a promo. They often tell you but sometimes forget or simply make a general statement that some things they sell are possibly promo. If you care (I do) then always best to ask rather than having the hassle to return them (or whatever).

I have had dealings with most of the Chinese sellers listed above with no major problems.
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kigonjiro (Moderator)
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Re:Who can you trust on eBay? 17 Years ago Karma: 2  
Yes, is easy to know if is japanese or chinese by checking the seller info. But fortunately these chineses do not mean "fakes".

By example cdfrjapan includes both front and back pictures, so is easy to know if is a regular or a promo CD.

Others are from other countrys like:

Pert Neubes is american
ozjeremy is australian (it list time to time, not always selling)
tvik is from sweden

I forget to include "japanminilp" that is from Korea and is also 100% original japanese product.

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nbrandon (User)
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Re:Who can you trust on eBay? 17 Years ago Karma: 0  
What about HK Records? (Ebay bseller ID = hkrecords). Are they reliable to sell authentic, authorized Japanese mini LPs?

Let me know... Thanks!

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kigonjiro (Moderator)
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Re:Who can you trust on eBay? 17 Years ago Karma: 2  
hk records?

I think that I bought from him Eagles Live and one Led Zep. Were originals.

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sheloshim (User)
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Re:Who can you trust on eBay? 17 Years ago Karma: 0  
The guys I bought minis from on ebay are Sushi-Sashimi and Quicksilverlove... They are 100% reliable, that's for sure.
But mainly I'm buying mini lps on japanese amazon. So, that means I can sell the authentic product too, even I'm not from Japan. If buyers are really interested in product they have to ask seller about all details including additional pictures, etc...
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