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Clash (The) - Sandinista (1980)

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Clash (The) - Sandinista

MHCP-526 (2004)

3 CD grab bag of original numbers and a few alternate versions. Hard to classify the genre of this release. Many fans did not like it (it's mostly not punk). Some call it confused, to others it's eclectic.

Out of print (but other items from this artist may be available)
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Clash (The) - Sandinista, Back Cover Clash (The) - Sandinista, Japanese Lyrics Clash (The) - Sandinista, CDs Clash (The) - Sandinista, The Armagideon Times Clash (The) - Sandinista, Obi
User Comments
sam2095  (Thu, 21 Feb 2008 (13:53))
For those who think Sandinista is punk - listen again - one of the reasons why many hardcore fans were so disappointed with it when it came out was because it was (and still is) this weird and wonderful hybrid of reggae, rock, punk and all sorts of other stuff including strange covers of their own songs (including a pre-pubescent girl singing "Guns of Brixton").

Yes there is a lot of space on a triple album for (over / self) indulgence but that is not always a bad thing. If you're after a quick hit, go for London Calling but if you're after something that bends with you depending on your mood and your age and stage of life, buy a copy of Sandinista and play it a few times (in the background - seriously!!). If you like music (not bands or genres), it will grow on you.

London Calling is a great album - I have always thought it starts off brilliantly (side 1 in particular) and then sort of fades. I have a funny feeling that Sandinista is The Clash album that will be better remembered after this website has passed on....

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Release Details
Manufacturer: Sony
Format:CD (3)
This version released:2004-11-17

Reprinted on or about: 2008-03-14

Original LP release:1980.12
Genre:Rock, Reggae, Punk, Rockabilly
Cover:Thick single sleeve (almost a box).
Inserts (as per original):Yes (Armagideon Times).
Inserts (additional):Japanese lyric sheet includes band details and discography.
Lyrics:English on large foldout (2*6 CD size) replica "Armagideon Times No.3". Japanese on 2*6 CD foldout.
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(Created : 2006 Sep 06 by System; Last mod: 2009 Nov 05 by sam2095)
(Modified 2006-Nov-16 by sam2095)
(Artist Oricon: 61416)