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Alarm (The) - The Alarm (1983)

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Alarm (The) - The Alarm

50550215213 1 2 (2003)

Five track EP released on IRS records in 1983, this is the first The Alarm record. This Mini LP release conmemorates the 20th anniversary. The size is a bit small than the japanese Mini LPs.

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Alarm (The) - The Alarm, Back cover Alarm (The) - The Alarm, Inner sleve A Alarm (The) - The Alarm, Inner sleve B Alarm (The) - The Alarm, CD
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Release Details
Manufacturer: EMI
Format:CD Enhaced
This version released:2003-11-25
Original LP release:1983.01
Editor Comments
There is also an Enhanced Section Including "The Stand" Video, an Original 1983 Alarm TV Advert that was Only Shown on American TV plus the First Ever Televised Alarm Interview. Track Listings 1. Stand 2. Across The Border 3. Marching On 4. Lie Of The Land 5. For Freedom
(Created : 2007 Aug 04 by kigonjiro; Last mod: 2007 Aug 04 by kigonjiro)
(Artist Oricon: 0)