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Cdjapan SHM-CD


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Japanese Series

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Artist - TitleTypeMaster - FormatRelease IDDateReprint*OrigImagesCDJapan
AC/DC - Complete Vinyl Replica Series JapanSony SICP-1700 to SICP-17182007-12-19Y
Allman Brothers Band (The) - Capricorn Classics JapanPolygram PHCR-94001 to PHCR-940091998-06-031998.06Y
Metallica - Complete Vinyl Replica Series JapanUniversal UICR-1052 to UICR-10632006-08-092006.08Y
Rolling Stones (The) - Virgin Original Album Packaging JapanEMI VJCP-27001 to VJCP-270081994-05-111994.05Y
Rolling Stones (The) - 1999 EMI Release of 1970s JapanEMI VJCP-68031 to VJCP-680381999-03-251999.03Y
Rolling Stones (The) - In the 60's JapanUniversal UICY-93013-382006-03-162006.03Y
Sex Pistols (The) - 1999 EMI Release JapanEMI VJCP-68050 to VJCP-680591999-03-251999.03Y
Various Artists - Various JapanSony SRCS-nnnnY
Various Artists - Impulse - Best 50 JapanUniversal UCCI-9001 to UCCI-90502001-06-27Y
Various Artists - Impulse - More Best 50 JapanUniversal UCCI-9051 to UCCI-91002001-11-28Y
Various Artists - NWOBHM The Hall of Fame Collection. JapanUniversal UICY-93470 to UICY-934762008-05-07Y
Various Artists - Modern Masters JapanEMI VJCP-68400 to VJCP-68412 and VJCP-65991 to VJCP-659942002-03-29Y
Various Artists - Atlantic Masterpiece JapanWarner AMCY-2716 to AMCY-27301998-05-291998.05Y
Various Artists - Bearsville Original Jacket Collections JapanVictor VICP-60801 to VICP-608071999-09-221999.09N
Various Artists - Vertigo British Jazz Rock (Kitty Records) JapanPolygram KTCM-1156 to KTCM-11652000-01-292000.01Y
Various Artists - VU Original Jacket Collection JapanPolygram POCY-9001 to POCY-90062000-06-012000.06N
Various Artists - British Rock Legend Series - Rock Fantasy Part 1 JapanUniversal UICY-9028 to UICY-90392000-12-202000.12Y
Various Artists - Cube Records Original Jacket Collection JapanVictor VICP-61309 to VICP-613152001-02-072001.02N
Various Artists - British Rock Legend Series - Rock Fantasy Part 2 JapanUniversal UICY-9044 to UICY-90532001-03-282001.03Y
Various Artists - British Rock Legend Series - Rock Fantasy Part 3 JapanUniversal UICY-9055 to UICY-90632001-06-132001.06Y
Various Artists - European Rock Legend Series - Italian Rock Part 1 JapanUniversal UICY-9113 to UICY-91222001-11-072001.11N
Various Artists - British Rock Legend Series - Modern Pop Part 1 JapanUniversal UICY-9170 to UICY-91832001-12-212001.12Y
Various Artists - British Rock Legend Series - Rock Fantasy Part 4 JapanUniversal UICY-9204 to UICY-92082002-04-102002.04Y
Various Artists - British Rock Legend Series - Rock Fantasy Part 5 JapanUniversal UICY-9210 to UICY-92162002-04-242002.04Y

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* Reprint date is pretty hit and miss (especially older releases). If there's a date it's probably correct but if there's no date there still may have been a reprint. If one mini in a sequential range of minis for one artist has been reprinted then the chances are they all were. The date shown here is the most recent one we know of.
Reprints usually have the obi identical to the original Mini (including release date), often have different stickers on the bag and occasionally have different inserts.