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This is a home made collector box made for personal use. You probably cannot buy it.

Blondie - Eat to the Beat Custom Box (2009)

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Blondie - Eat to the Beat Custom Box


I only produce boxes like this for my own collection, where an original box cannot be sourced or an original box not released. For this box, I reproduced the Eat to the Beat' artwork onto blank sleeve box from japanese seller.

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Blondie - Eat to the Beat Custom Box, Blondie - Eat to the Beat Custom Box, Blondie - Eat to the Beat Custom Box,
Warning - Fakes or Forgeries exist for this release!

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User Comments
ukfluffer  (Tue, 14 Jul 2015 (18:44))
This is a great box, I would love to have this in my collection, how do I get one.

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Release Details
Original LP release:2009.10
Page credits and acknowledgments...
(Created : 2009 Oct 15 by Paolo40; Last mod: 2009 Oct 15 by Paolo40)
(Artist Oricon: 0)